Tata Cara Sholat Dhuha, Niat, Doa dan Keutamaan
Keutamaan dan Keajaiban Ayat Kursi
Asmaul Husna
Islamic Economy is Based on Morals
Some economists exclude to link between morals and economy. They describe economy as a neutral science which has nothing to do with morality.
As for Islamic economy, which is an integral part of the Islamic faith, we cannot separate between commercial and economic transactions and the general framework of Islamic Shari`ah because a Muslim in his dealings with others fears Allah (Glory be to Him) in all his dealings, and he also observes Islamic disciplines for multiple economic ethics, which we can be stated as follows:
First, Islamic economy calls for faith and piety:
Piety is a main discipline of the Islamic economy; but it rather a discipline of all behavior in life because life, in fact, is based on fearing Allah, keenness to please Him, and fear of His Punishment. There are aspects of piety, of which are:
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